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e-ISSN 1983-0572

EntomoBrasilis Update Check v0.5 (β)


Welcome to the Articles Update Check experimental tool in Beta phase. A tool that allows you to check for updates on articles published by EntomoBrasilis. This tool is similar to Crossref's Crosmark, but has limitations only to articles published by us.

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EntomoBrasilis Update Check

Nesting stratum and habitat affinity matter in ant assemblage response to forest-pasture shifting

Article DOI: 10.12741/ebrasilis.v16.e1024
Date: 2023-10-25
Vol/ID: 16: e1024
Type: Minor
New PDF file:
Update information:

Changed the summary from Portuguese to English in the OJS html. The original text remains. Changes to the DOI and DOAJ were applied.