Values updated in 2025 to better meet the demands of the Journal's current costs.
Code | Description (Portuguese) | Fee (R$)* | Dollar (US$)** |
EDIT001 | Publishing and Indexing (Articles/Review/Short Communications) | 230.00 | US$ 39.90 |
EDIT002 | Publishing and Indexing with Special discount (Editorial Board) | 90.00 | US$ 15.61 |
EDIT003 | Publishing and Indexing with Special discount (Advisor) | 120.00 | US$ 20.82 |
EDIT005 | Publishing Supplementary File | 90.00 | US$ 15.61 |
EDIT006 | Erratum | 50.00 | US$ 8.67 |
*These values can be changed without prior notice, as well as the items in this
table. **The estimated value of the Dollar is based on the quotation updated in 2025-03-28 20:17:17, converting based on the Real value of 5.7642. |