Fee for Publication


  • Since May 2013, we started charging amounts for diagramming, publication and indexing in the journal EntomoBrasilis.
  • The amounts in the table may change without notice and will be applied at the time of the Proof Reading or request for the provision of the Service.
  • The user must make the payment through PagSeguro or Paypal (for foreigners).
  • If the value at the time of submission is different from that shown in the current table. The values of the current table will be applied and not of previous tables.

Table of Values

Values updated in 2025 to better meet the demands of the Journal's current costs.

Code Description (Portuguese) Fee (R$)* Dollar (US$)**
EDIT001 Publishing and Indexing (Articles/Review/Short Communications) 230.00 US$ 39.90
EDIT002 Publishing and Indexing with Special discount (Editorial Board) 90.00 US$ 15.61
EDIT003 Publishing and Indexing with Special discount (Advisor) 120.00 US$ 20.82
EDIT005 Publishing Supplementary File 90.00 US$ 15.61
EDIT006 Erratum 50.00 US$ 8.67
*These values can be changed without prior notice, as well as the items in this table.
**The estimated value of the Dollar is based on the quotation updated in 2025-03-28 20:17:17, converting based on the Real value of 5.7642.